Saturday, 25 May 2013

Vast and Gruesome is Being Kickstarted!

The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law, is now being featured on kickstarter! Please come and support us and get this animated film done. I am offering the first stage in the production process - the making of a trailer to help us raise the funds needed for project completion.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Kalkion Publishes Short

Kalkion the online short story publisher has just published my story The Rioters Candle. Please go read it...It follows a young man arrested during the Arab Spring uprising. He is put into jail beneath the Presiential Palace, where he is visited by a mysterious stranger.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Vagabond Unlimited Relaunches

I have just launches a new version of, which uses HTML5 instead of flash to keep up with changing web use on phones and tablets. Flash has for a long time been unavailable for use on many hand held devices. I've added some new content including some new Ted on Street cards and some articles, including one on post apocalyptic literature. Please check it out before you go.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Super Red

Super Red is the follow up to my first book The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law. This post apocalyptic novel and romantic sci-fi book, was based on a dream; a very mysterious and interesting one, that involved dying and being reborn. The dream was recorded in my dream diary:


162. Passing through the Gates of Heaven and Hell.

I was due to arrive at a great hall, some way off into the future. I was there with hoards of people, who gathered there with each other, eating, drinking and socialising. After some time, I walked across the great hall, whose size was enormous. The biggest building I have ever seen. Across the hall, were chambers, equally as big, as any building I have seen, in their own right. As I passed one chamber the people there were predominantly Chinese, with some of other nationalities. They were watching huge screen, and on it was a Chinese epic film, shown in black and white. On the screen it showed a battle scene. The scene was panoramic; wider and taller than most cinema screens.

                As I walked across the chamber and into an eating hall I sat down with my wife and several others. We spoke together, and although friendly, for a wife who I had just married she showed me no affection at all. She tried to explain, but I did not understand our marriage and why she refused to show me affection. I kissed her hand, and she smiled, but I felt it was insincere.

                I then went with her, as we walked with others, heading for a third chamber. The inner most chamber, was just as huge. Inside were seats on rows. Each seat had a reclining back. We adjusted the seats and waited a couple of minutes as a Chinese waiter served as tea. It was a delicate tea, served in bone china. As he served the tea to each of us on a serving table, he dropped a poison into it, and explained what would happen as we drank and smiled. We then sat back and waited.

                Everyone in that room died, and were reborn. We woke up in another reality and walked, as if nothing had happened, to meetings, in a red and brown landscape, where the sky was always clear and the temperature always moderate. Soon afterwards we returned again to Earthly reality.

                We all met up again and had another meal. I sat next to three other people, as we debated and talked amongst ourselves. We discussed a certain type of dog that I had access to. Once we’d finished talking we went into a covered garden, and I went to the back of the garden, and brought out a dog. It was rare breed. It had been bred for strength. Bred to kill, with large jaws and long teeth. It looked vicious, and was large enough for a human adult to sit on. I sat on it and strode round, its muscles rippling. It had a finely tuned body for speed and strength. The other looked amazed as I rode the dog, its teeth glistening and its mouth, running with fluid, drooling, its dark red sunken eyes, looking as if it could easily tear you to pieces but remaining calm, at all times. A killing machine, totally loyal to its owner.

My book, Super Red is based on some aspects of the dream and follows a young couple, who at the end of the Earth’s life are sent by their local chieftain, to the Great Hall. The Great Hall is there to help people die, as the death that awaits them is much worse. The Sun is coming to the end of its life, and it is expanding into a Super Red Giant.


Kiren and Vernon travel to the Great Hall unaware of what secrets they have for the religious leaders that live at the Hall.


This post apocalyptic novel, is a multi-faith book, drawing on Islamic, Christian, Jewish and Buddhist eschatological thinking, and is about the resurgence of faith after a very long period of atheism. The people rediscover religion when they face this big threat, but many of the rituals and interpretations of faith have been lost to history. The book follows the couple to a convergence of faith, as humanity breathes its last breath. Although predominately Christian in its theological construct, the books attempts to suggest that faith, given the fullness of time, might come together; especially as many of the great faiths draw from the same origins.


However, the religion in the book, is secondary to the science fiction fantasy theme. It isn’t a hard-line Christian book, that is attempting to convert or explain religious beliefs. It just deals with the issues, of the afterlife and heaven, and the end of the world and how eschatological texts describe that end, and describe what might follow. I hope you enjoy it, should you pick it up.



The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law

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Friday, 28 September 2012

The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law

The world is in the grip of a large catastrophe. Edward lives in a small community which has barely survived the long cruel winter. But when a stranger called Dean arrives in town hope returns and he seems to have a magical effect on them. But Dean is being tracked by a large foreign military power and the town is in big trouble for giving him shelter.

My book, a post apocalyptic novel, called The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law, seems to be shifting copies, in the few bookshops who have taken it. I have offered the book for sale on the UK Amazon site (, and the US site, using Createspace an Amazon service:
The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law is also available to you at, where you can check artwork, satirical cartoons, and my animated film, which is still seeking funding.

Post Apocalyptic Novel
The Vast and Gruesome Clutch of Our Law

"The book is intriguing. I found it overwhelming. I found myself unwilling to let the book go until I had finished it. I would definitely pick up the sequel if I were to come across it."

"I was genuinely interested in where this tale was heading and there are some fine ideas in here."

"Its post-apocalypse setting and ambience stimulated an affectionate nostalgia" – Reviews from the book (2005).

“It had me absolutely enthralled from the moment I picked it up.”
Super Red.

When the Sun comes to the end of its life the rich and privileged use superior technology to leave the earth and go in search of new planets; their fate unclear. The poor, the uneducated, the sick are left behind in the dust and certainty of death in the face of an expanding, Super Red Sun.
Nathan and Kiren have been a couple since they were children. In their small dusty town they struggle to survive. And up against their large and chaotic families they turn to each other. Feeling unloved and unwanted they are told by the local Imam that they must go to the Great Hall and without a choice, they set off into the desert to find the Great Hall and to find themselves.

Super Red, which I think is a cool little production, is also available here at the UK Amazon site: 
and here in the US, also using Createspace:

Romantic sci-fi, post apocalyptic novel

Kindle versions are also available.